WorldMate CEO blog – Nadav Gur

Monday, February 16, 2009

WorldMate Live wins a GSMA Award

The news is just in from Barcelona... WorldMate Live has been named "Most Innovative Mobile Application in a Vertical Market" by the GSM Association in the 2009 EMEA tournament.

With the GSMA being the leading global organization for wireless operators and device makers,this further stresses our recognition by the market leaders as the a leading light in mobile applications and the leader in mobile travel services. Kudos to the WorldMate team!


Unknown said...

My first reaction to the headline is "Well, DUH!" Travel ONCE with WML and you'll understand the power of the app. If something changes (like that never happens) then you'll think it's the best thing since carry-on luggage.

In short, the WML team deserves the award several times over. about that Android version?

Anonymous said...

I've been using wmlive for a few times and I think its a great app for travel purposes but recently website is really really slow..

I have tried many different hours for the past few days but to no avail. It takes me more than 15 minutes to load the main page! Is WMlive doing anything to fix this problem?

Nadav Gur said...

Thanks for letting us know. We've upgraded our security infrastructure last weekend and this seems to be affecting performance. We are looking into it.

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